Nice garage doors

How to Keep Insects Out of Your Garage

The first step to ensuring that you can completely keep insects out of your garage is storing food away not to attract insects. Therefore, you can opt to use airtight containers to keep off vermins and insects from smelling at your food. It should apply to both wrapped and unwrapped food that you might want to store in your garage as a backup pantry. Even though most people usually keep freezers and fridges in a garage to preserve their food there, thinking that it is very safe, insects can still smell the presence of food in them and get attracted.  Learn more about Ridgeline Overhead truck door repairs.

Hence, if you are going to preserve food in the fridge, you should ensure they are tightly closed. If you spill anything on the floor by chance, you should clean the surface immediately before it starts attracting insects. Below are additional tips on how you can get rid of insects in your garage.

They are as follows:

Ensure you clean up the spider webs in your garage

Having spiders in your garage can be advantageous and still not good because they are also insects. For instance, it can be great having spiders in your garage as they help you get rid of other bugs because they usually catch them using their web and kill them. However, they can still be messy creatures who will build their webs everywhere on the walls of your garage, making it look awful. They can also leave the dead bugs and other insects on the floor even after tidying up. Therefore, you are encouraged to remove these spiders by ensuring you clean the garage walls and corners to remove the spider webs. You can ensure that you remove the webs every week because it will give your garage an appealing outlook.

Spray the bottom baseboards of your garage

It would be best if you looked for an insecticide that is highly recommended by professions. Use it to spray your garage’s bottom baseboards on both sides, so insects that make contact with the insecticide are killed immediately. However, you are required to be careful, especially if you have pets or children whose toys are lying on the ground or do play on that ground because insecticides are very toxic. Even though some are a bit safer, they are not as effective compared to poisonous insecticides. Additionally, if it rains, you are supposed to re-spray the area so that the insecticide can continue being effective because most of it might have been washed by the rain.

Use a weather-stripping material.

Most insects usually get into your garage from the bottom. In most cases, you will note a crack through which even the smallest insect can get through. Therefore to prevent this, you are advised to buy a rubber seal or weather stripping material easily found in any hardware store. Also, remember to purchase the one that is of the right size for your garage door. Therefore, take measurements of your garage door to ensure that the strips you will buy fit the size of your door.

Getting rid of stagnant water

Water is a primary attraction site for many mosquitoes, especially if it is not flowing. The mosquitoes usually turn stagnant water into a home where they lay eggs and breed. Whereby once it starts breeding, it becomes challenging to control. Therefore you are encouraged not to store water in buckets or containers in the garage because mosquitoes can start breeding in them. Therefore if your main goal is eliminating insects, do all you can to get rid of stagnant water in your garage.

Look for anthills

In most cases, prevention is always better than cure. It would help if you took a walk around your garage while inspecting the foundation at least once per month, looking for anthills. You can also look if insects are trying to form masses around your garage. It is because ants can enter through any opening and cause annoyance in your garage. Therefore you can set ant bait traps to catch them before entering your garage.

Fill in gaps with caulk

Caulks are used to fill cracks in your garage to prevent insects from entering your garage. You can use silicone caulk for it is the best because it holds up for long. Doing so enables you to avoid insects that get into your garage through the cracks from filtering in.

Discard cardboard boxes

You are encouraged to dispose of or get rid of any cardboard boxes in your garage because most termites are usually attracted to organic substances like cardboard boxes or wood. Therefore, keeping them in the garage makes them habitats for the termites, allowing the termites to eat away your garage’s foundation. The boxes are habitats for termites and bugs that can also take coverage under them.

In most cases, if you keep the boxes on the floor, you cannot tell if the termites or other insects are in your garage. Therefore, you are supposed to build storage racks in your garage where you can place your boxes and other items. It will be easier to note when termites and bugs invade them. If you are also using cardboard boxes as dustbins, you can replace them with plastic bins to prevent them from harboring termites.

In a nutshell, insects are generally not pleasing creatures to have not only in your garage but also at home. Therefore getting rid of insects should not seem like a difficult task because it will do you more good. You can start by taking some preventive measures by inspecting your garage regularly, looking for cracks and anthills that may allow insects into your garage. After identifying gaps, use caulks or ant baits to get rid of the insects once and for all. Also, drain any stagnant water in your garage that might harbor mosquitoes. Finally, discard wood and cardboard boxes in your garage that can attract termites. Doing so keeps off insects in your garage for good.