Garage door balance

3 Steps for Balancing Your Garage Door

An improperly balanced garage door can cause significant issues with your garage door opener. If neglected, this unpredictable behavior can pose a danger to individuals who interact with the door regularly. This article discusses garage door maintenance tips and the steps you need to take to ensure maximum effectiveness. Read on also to understand the three steps you can apply for balancing your garage door.

What is Garage Door Balance?

To understand what you need to look for in an unbalanced door, you should comprehend the door balance concept and what you can do to balance a garage door. If you are having doubts about your garage door balance, you can apply the tips below, or get in touch with Ridgeline Overhead Garage Door where we’d be happy to help with any questions you might have.

Signs a Garage Door is Out of Balance

Are you having doubts concerning garage door issues? Here are signs you need to watch out for to regard your garage door as out of balance:

  • Uneven Garage Door- One of the fastest and most conclusive ways of knowing your garage door is out of balance is noticing a skewed look. You can achieve this by comparing your garage door to the frame of your home. If they appear uneven, you may be having a balance garage door issue.
  • Squeaky and Loud Noises- Have you noticed loud noises from your garage whenever the door is opening or closes? This may be a result of your rollers having to overcompensate because of damaged springs and warping.
  • Opening and Closing Slowly- If your garage door is opening or closing slower than before, it may be due to balance issues. You, therefore, need to take the necessary corrective measures to remedy the condition.
  • Difficulty Opening or closing- Another indicator of an unbalanced garage door is rigidity or lack of motion. As a final symptom, you will need to schedule repair procedures soon.

Testing the Balance of Your Garage Door Yourself

Suppose you notice any of the symptoms above, you can proceed to make an accurate diagnosis yourself. Contact the appropriate experts to conduct a balance test if you feel uncomfortable doing it on your own. Some steps you can take to confirm your home garage door balance include:

  • Close the Door- In the first step, close the garage door to complete this test. Where necessary, switch off the system and close the door manually before proceeding to the next stage.
  • Release the door Manually- Here, you will need to detach the garage door from the garage door opener. This is an easy step since most systems have a manual release on the garage door opener.
  • Lift the door Halfway- After releasing the door from the opener, you can manually lift the door halfway in the third step.
  • Release the Door- In the final step, after lifting it halfway, you will need to release the garage door. This lets you know if your garage door is out of balance. If you notice your garage door goes up or down when you release instead of sticking in position in the middle, it suggests you have a balance issue.
  • If the Door is Balanced, Reattach the Door to The Opener- If your opener features a belt operating on a four-sided rail, you will need to descend the manual release rope to activate the opener. For a T-shaped rail, press the manual release, and your door reconnects automatically.

What Should I Do in Case of a Balance Door Issue?

After conducting the above garage door balance tests and discovering whether your garage door opens or shuts, rebalancing your garage door is important. Adjusting your garage door can be difficult and highly dangerous. You will need expert door garage door assistance if you lack professional knowledge on balancing and repairing door springs. You can find relevant providers using the proper channels.

3 Steps for Balancing Your Garage Door

You will need to perform three essential maintenance steps on your garage door at least once a year to prolong its life and effectiveness.

  1. Lubricate the Hinges – This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do to maintain your garage door system. Experts recommend using heavy-duty silicone spray for optimal results. For those with plastic hinges, lubrication may not be necessary. While lubricating, you should also inspect the other hardware parts such as cables, drums, or rollers for wear or damage.
  2. Inspect for Imbalance – Perhaps the most important thing you will need to do is monitor the garage door’s balance. Look out for the springs’ ability to counter-balance garage door weight. When the springs begin to fatigue, they are unable to balance the garage door sufficiently. This results in the door getting heavy, consequently destroying your garage door opener.
  3.  Check the Safety Sensors – Although often overlooked, inspecting safety sensors is another essential step. Frequently, these are the cause of a malfunctioning unit. You need to ensure the sensors are pointed directly at each other, moving all obstructions out of the way.

Are you experiencing balance issues with the garage door? It would be helpful to have the vital tips of ensuring you restore proper balance and fix issues where necessary. Consider the information above to realize a durable functioning garage door.